Friday 21 August 2020

My Santa HD Released

 “If your wish is genuine, Santa will surely come to meet you,” says Aby, a teacher played by Sunny Wayne to his students in My Santa. A fantasy-cum-comedy drama directed by Sugeeth, My Santa revolves around this concept. There is love, friendship, longing and, of course, some magical moments, perhaps an inevitable ingredient of Christmas movies.

Aisa (Baby Manasvi) is a cheerful, curious little girl living in the high ranges. An ardent admirer of Santa Claus, she dreams of meeting the Christmas Papa one day. Only he can solve her problems, she believes. In fact, she pens her grievances to God, thinking they would be addressed through Santa. When she is on the verge of giving up hope and losing her faith in Santa, he dramatically enters her life. Is he for real? My Santa delves precisely into this.

What makes this Dileep-starrer watchable is its festive fervour. Primarily aimed at children, Sugeeth cleverly puts the charm of the mythical Santa Claus and his affection for children to good effect. He and writer Jemin Cyriac tap into the almost unreal feel of the season to drive home their concepts about love, peace and sacrifice. The beautiful, misty locale accentuates the mood while music by Vidyasagar backs it up very well. And, Dileep's comedy works mostly. The effort put by the art and visual effects department to create a magical land is commendable.

Dileep is convincing as Santa who rides a bullet with the number plate Dec 25, except for his clownish dialogue delivery at certain points. But it is Baby Manasvi who steals the show with her splendid acting, coming across easily as the loving, innocent and stubborn girl who unconditionally loves her friend Anna. Siddique, Sai Kumar, Dharmajan and Anusree add to the fun.

Towards the end, the movie turns a bit too dramatic, harming the cause of the narrative. All of a sudden, the happy, adventurous and fantasy trip gets replaced with the cliched family drama routine. Certain scenes like the one where a group of Santas dance on a street do not serve much purpose either.

In short, My Santa is a good Christmas entertainer, especially for the children.


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