Tuesday 2 March 2021

Saajan Bakery Since 1962 HD Released


Watching a sibling rivalry movie can both be entertaining and stressful. But when done well, what it does best is make the viewers feel it’s a relatable story as most people would have lived through such spats at some point or the other. Saajan Bakery is set in the world of two sparring siblings, and their worlds, explosive moments and brewing tensions can’t be too alien to anyone with brothers or sisters.

Bobbin (Aju Varghese) and Betsy (Lena) run a bakery named after their dad, Saajan, in Ranni, with their uncle whom they call ammachan (Ganesh Kumar). All Bobbin cares about is migrating to a foreign land, while his sister is trying to focus her energies on the bakery alongside trying to come to terms with her separation from husband. Their conflicting interests, aims and hurt egos add spice to the story as it progresses to show how each other’s personalities and life get eventually shaped.

Aju and Lena portray the quintessential warring siblings, who still care for each other, believably on the screen. Viewers are offered many delicious glimpses into the preparation of bakery items to traditional Kerala dishes, on and off. Certain scenes, like the one in which Jaffer Idukki’s character is taken back in time as he tastes something, were fun and relatable to watch.

That aside, the film struggles to take advantage of its contexts enough. The first half also moves at a bit of sluggish pace and can make one restless, and the movie takes some time to get into the right momentum for us to feel interested in individual characters. One can’t also help wishing a little more depth in the writing of the lead characters. How the character of Merin alone is fashioned as one speaking occasionally to the viewers doesn’t add any zing to the proceedings, though the characterisation in itself is interesting.

The wrapping up also seemed a bit hurried, despite hinting what changes in each other’s lives. Overall, while you feel all the ingredients were present to help Saajan Bakery dish up a savoury dessert, all of it didn’t come together well enough to help you relish it, though you won’t complain after a one-time taste trial.

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