Credit where it's due... Srijar, the director of Murungakkai Chips, comes up with a fertile idea for a film revolving around the first night of a couple. The groom (Shanthnu) is told by his grandfather (Shanthnu's real-life father K Bhagyaraj, with a wig and beard don't even hide how fake they are) that he has to remain celibate the entire night as a test of his self-control, failing which their ₹300 crore wealth would be donated to an ashram. Meanwhile, the bride (Athulya Ravi) is urged by her aunt (Urvashi, who goes missing after a couple of scenes) to consummate the marriage the same night as she believes the women in her family who have failed to do so did not bear children. Sounds enticing as a premise, right?
But the bad news is that this is the only one stimulating thing in the whole film. Srijar decides that is all the foreplay that's needed and dives into action. Or so he thinks! Because he fumbles around not knowing what to do and does everything that isn't necessary. We get the manager (Manobala) of the rich man trying to ensure that the marriage is consummated so that he can get a commission from the orphanage. Then, there are Munishkanth and Yogi Babu playing a money lender and the guy who owes him money, who also get involved. But nothing ummm, penetrates... our feelings! The humour doesn't turn on our smiles. For a supposedly adult comedy, the scenes inside the first night room are downright juvenile, with the conversations between the two leads hardly coming across as pillow talk. And both Shanthnu and Athulya seem to competing against each other in an overacting contest. As if these aren't enough, we get songs that are bathroom breaks. To make matters worse, the producer, Ravindar Chandrasekar appears in a role that offers commentary on how ludicrous all this is. Rather than signal self-awareness, it only suggest some kinky sense of self-pleasure at one's own misfortune. By the time we get to the climax, all that we are left with is blanks!
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