Award-winning director Nagesh Kukunoor of Hyderabad Blues, Iqbal and Dor fame made his directorial debut in Telugu with Good Luck Sakhi. Those well-versed about his films were excited when the announcement was made that the film will be a sports drama. There was also hope given the fact that a woman is at the centre of this tale. However, what Kukunoor delivers is subpar both in terms of story and technicality.
Sakhi (Keerthy Suresh) is a 25-year-old who hails from a little village. She is seemingly the personification of a black cat because people in her village believe she brings bad luck to whoever crosses her path. Her family has tried to marry her off five times but failed because the grooms keep meeting unfortunate accidents. Chirpy and apparently unaffected by all this, Sakhi goes about her life with not a care in the world. She also seems to have an affinity to ‘golis’, both the playing and shooting kind.
Goli Raju (Aadhi Pinisetty) is her childhood friend, someone she used to play marbles with (hence the name). He goes by Rama Rao now after the late NTR and is a theatre artiste who hopes to make it big someday and is currently the superstar of their zilla. Soori (Rahul Ramakrishna), is another childhood friend who doesn’t seem to understand the word ‘no’ and consistently keeps hitting on Sakhi. In front of his wife (Divya Sripada), no less. Colonel (Jagapathi Babu), an ex-Army man randomly turns up at the village to set up a sharp-shooting academy. Given Sakhi’s affinity to golis, Raju recommends her to try out and the rest is history.
Good Luck Sakhi meanders and stretches like the mithai that Raju and Sakhi favour. It might be sweet to taste (or rather, watch) but ends up being nothing but empty calories. First the film takes its own sweet time pursuing the intentions of Colonel, despite giving away the story in the promotional material. Then it sets up tension between Soori and rest of the main cast but that also soon takes a back-seat. Sakhi hails from a simple and sweet family that really has no issues with her pursuing a profession in sports. Raju might feel envious at times but even he tries to keep a lid on it. So, despite all that, when women are often termed as ‘emotional and
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