Thursday 19 March 2020

Manaroopa Kannada HD Released

ive former college buddies decide to head out on a night trek to a place called Karadi Guhe, which is deep in the forest, as part of a reunion. En route, though they encounter several ominous signs.

Disregarding warnings, the group perseveres and sets up camp for the night. They wake up to find two of their friends missing, one tied up and gagged, and their possessions stolen. Their only lead? A cryptic message scribbled on a balloon.

In true thriller movie tradition, they split up (has this ever been a good idea?) to try to trace their friends and head back home. But even in broad daylight, there are eerie surprises that the forest has in store.

Manaroopa's strong suit is its engaging narrative. Choosing not to dwell on unnecessary song-dance sequences, the storyline sticks to the plot, which is a welcome relief. While most suspense thrillers are set during the dead of the night, (perhaps it is easier to spook and scare in the darkness), this movie manages to keep the thrills intact, even though a large part of the narrative is set during the day.

The dramatic sequences do drag on longer than required, and there are certain situations that evade logic (for instance, how do electronic devices still retain charge after having been in the forest for more than 48 hours). The English lines also come less naturally to the actors than the Kannada ones. But one can ignore these factors, as the overall earnest efforts by the team, backed by a gripping premise, keeps the wheel turning and the audience glued to the screen.

Manaroopa has the makings of a good psychological thriller - it is dark, eerie, a tad disturbing, and packs in some good thrills. Be sure to catch this in the theatres as this is a commendable attempt to bring a fresh, unusual story to Kannada audiences.

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