Tuesday 17 March 2020

Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru HD Released

Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru is a feel-good love story that all 90s kids will find easy to relate to. Set in the picturesque locales of Godavari, the teen love story will definitely be a nostalgic trip for many. While the story narrated by Ravi Kiran Kola offers nothing new, the way it unfolds is beautiful.

Chowdary (Rajkumar Kasireddy) and Naidu (Yazurved Gurram), dressed up like Batman and Joker, begin narrating their friend Raja’s love story to an unknown person abducted by them. Raja (Kiran Abbavaram) and Naidu run from their exam hall to prep the former’s proposal to Rani (Rahasya Gorak). With multiple attempts at proposal failing, the day comes when Rani moves away from their village for higher studies. The trio now must find out where she moved to, so Raja can express his love for her.

RVRG is the kind of film where you never really know what’s to follow, even if can predict how it’s all going to end. More than Raja and Rani’s love story, it is Chowdary and Naidu’s narration that steals the show. After a point in the film, one even begins feeling like they almost overshadow the plot at hand with their comedy and acting. Rajkumar and Yazurved just pour life into their roles.

With innocence and sweet heartedness that form human relationships, along with social stigmas surrounding caste, the film depicts a perfect love story set in a village. While it’s a well-made film, what works best are the dialogues that are natural. The second half of the film stretches a tad bit too long, with scenes getting repetitive, making for a tiresome watch. However, it does pick up pace towards the end. Vidyasagar Chinta and Amardeep Guttula’s camera-work is beautiful and Jay Krish’s music adds momentum to the cute love story. Viplav Nyshadam’s edit work is also near perfect.

Go watch this one this weekend if you’re looking for a feel-good love story that’ll leave you with a happy smile on your face.

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